A new toy - the sippy cup!
We introduced the sippy cup to Tate a few days ago. It was doctor's orders; poor Taters had a little constipation from all the starchy vegetables and cereals in his new diet and our pediatrician recommended water. At first Tate loved to turn the cup upside down and chew on the bottom. Any cup that claims to be "spill-proof" is lying! Tate would soon be soaking wet. Now he manages a little better with the spout, although it still doesn't appear that a lot of water is actually going down. Oh well, his latest trick is to sit in front of the sippy cup, bend over, and pick it up with his mouth instead of his hands. Our sweet little doggie!
At 1:19 PM, mindy said…
So cute! Those sippy cups are a lot fancier than I remember them being when I was a kid!
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