Travels with Tate

The stories of Tate Logan as he navigates the world.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tate's First Thanksgiving

Tate had an exciting first Thanksgiving. He got to meet many aunts, uncles, and cousins, including his cousins Lucie, Ryan, and Gabriella, shown here with Aunt Meg, Cousin Molly, and Great Grandma Roni. Uncle Chris and Aunt Teri were a tremendous help on Thanksgiving by holding a sleeping Tate while Jason and I got to enjoy some delicious turkey and all the fixins! The next day, Tate, Lucie, and Ryan showed off their matching sweaters before a trip to the beach near Gigi and Papa's house.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

One Month Doctor Visit

Tate had his one month check-up this week. He was weighed, measured, examined, and the poor guy even had to get his second shot of the hep vaccine. And Tate handled it all really well. He weighed in at 10 pounds, 7 ounces, putting him in the 50% percentile, and measured 22.75 inches long, the 85% percentile. Most importantly, our little fuzzy bear got a clean bill of health!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Day One Every Day

We are lucky to live in a neighborhood that is filled with young families and resources for families. In our 'hood, you will find strollers galore, pizzerias and coffeeshops for weary parents, Baby Gap, and most importantly, Day One. Day One is a center for new and expectant parents that offers classes, support groups, weighing scales, a book and DVD library, and lactation consultants; and also sells all the gear any newborn would ever require.

Jason and I seem to be visiting Day One daily these days. After our first sleepless night at home with Tate, Jason ran to Day One to get some unanticipated supplies. Since then, we have bought gear and gadgets galore there, including the Snuggle Nest (see photo), Miracle Swaddling Blanket, nursing and bottle feeding supplies, and the list goes on. What I have really enjoyed about the place are the support groups and lactation consultants. When Tate was five days old, we visited Sara, a british-trained lactation consultant. She helped me tremendously and since then, I attend her Tuesday morning new parent support group. In the class, Tate and I have learned all about tummy time, swaddling, getting through our un-happy hours of 6-9 p.m. when Tate seems to be the fussiest, and bottle feeding. This place is perfect for the novice parents like me!