Travels with Tate

The stories of Tate Logan as he navigates the world.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Graduate(s)

The latest blog entry is an obvious plug for Uncle Andrew, who is graduating from college this weekend (Congrats Uncle AJ!). This past week, though, Tate's been doing some graduating of his own.

At the start of the week I was pleasantly surprised to see Tate has evolved from eating pages in books to turning them. Every book we read now is a race between Rachel or me finishing the page and Tate turning to the next. Fortunately we've committed such favorites as Squishy Turtle, Where's Spot, and Pajama Time to memory so we can keep up with our little page turner.

The true pomp and circumstance arrived later in the week, when Tate started crawling and sitting up on his own. He's been getting close to crawling for a while, but now his preferred method of transportation is the commando crawl vs. the roll all over the floor. His other trick is sitting up on his own. It was a little startling the first morning we went into his room and saw him sitting in the corner of his crib.

The pictures below are of Tate crawling to the bookshelf to grab Aunt Meg's recipe book and our smiley little guy sitting up on his own.


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