Travels with Tate

The stories of Tate Logan as he navigates the world.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Mr. Roly Poly

Tate rolled over for the first time yesterday. He went from his tummy to back in a mere matter of seconds; I couldn't believe it. And then he performed his new trick two more times after that (of course he hasn't replicated it since for his Dad to see). Tate is definitely getting the hang of tummy time. He loves his surfboard tummy time mat from Uncle Josh and Rosy. Tate checks out the fish swimming beside him and practices his body boarding skills. Watch out surfers at Steamer's Lane, Tate is going to be there soon!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Naptime Fun

The days of Tate snoozing over one hour at naptime seem to have disappeared. Instead, Mr. Tate Logan is showing a preference for power catnaps consisting of rarely more than a half hour. That means I have my own thirty minute circuit training, similar to Curves, consisting of taking a shower, making coffee and toast, starting a load of laundry (this kid goes through a lot of outfits) and checking email (sorry, responding to emails doesn't always make it in time!). Still, how can I complain when I walk into his room and see this cute face?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Separated at Birth

Prior to Tate's birth the big topic of discussion was whether we were having a girl or a boy. We entertained all sorts of theories based on Rachel's mood, cravings, and how she was carrying the baby.

After Tate's arrival, the hot topic at the polling stations now is who Tate resembles most. Some say he looks like his father, others insist he looks like his mother. To be honest, it's pretty hard for us to tell, as we looked somewhat similar as babies. We think he looks like a combination of us both -- go figure.

But every once in a while we'll snap a photo of Tate that looks just like one of our baby pictures. Or in this case, looks like his cousin Ryan...

Friday, January 12, 2007

Tale of the Tate at 3 Months

Mr. Tate turned 3 months old today. According to the Happiest Baby on the Block, he's now completed his "4th trimester"

To mark Tate's evolution over these three months, here's a brief comparison of early days Tate to 3-month Tate:

*Weight: 7 lbs 1 ounce vs. 14 lbs 4 ounces
*Feeding: 1 ounce per feeding vs. 5 ounces per feeding
*Cheeks: thin vs. full
*Favorite Color: orange vs. cornflower blue
*Sleep Location: cradle in parents' room vs. crib in Tate's room
*Sleep Duration: waking up 3x per night vs. waking 0-2 x per night
*Background Television Show: The Amazing Race vs. Food Network
*Favorite Prank: peeing on parents vs. drooling on parents

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane

My father was 18 when he first flew on an airplane. His grandson Tate just completed his 1st plane trip at the ripe old age of 11 weeks when Rachel, Tate, and I traveled to Arizona for New Years to visit my family.

I thought air travel was stressful pre-Tate, but little did I know how easy I had it. Just getting to the gate is suddenly an all morning exercise -- it's like moving underwater. The procedure now involves dropping Rachel and Tate at the terminal, parking the car, catching a shuttle back to the terminal, sitting through that nonsensical line to check-in and get our infant pass, and then the real fun begins.

For the 1st time in my life I was a "that guy" in the security line. You know who I'm talking about--the guy that holds up the entire security line because he's totally unprepared to go through the metal detector. This is the guy that doesn't figure out he has to remove his titanium belt buckle, $3.42 in nickels and pennies, boots, and laptop until the second he reaches the machine.

Well, I'm now that guy. Somehow I missed the memo on putting all toiletries in a zip-lock bag and nothing could be more than 3 ounces. So Rachel and I scrambled to throw whatever we could find in our carry-on bags into some zip lock bag as we went through the line. When we got to the x-ray machine, I struggled snapping down the stroller and couldn't fit the car seat. Bottom line is it took 3 TSA officials and about five minutes to pass through as I bumbled apologies to the stunned folks behind us.

Even though Tate devilishly filled his diaper the second we pushed off from the gate, he was terrific on the flight and everything else went smoothly.

By the time we got to Arizona we were exhausted. But Tate had a great time ringing in the New Year with the whole family, including Great Grandma Mary from Florida, Grandma Barb and Grandpa Norm, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Zach, and Uncle Josh and Rosy. My parents and grandmother even babysat Tate one night, allowing Rachel and I to have a great dinner out with the rest of the crew. Good times, good times.